6 Tips For A Successful Rental Application

By Peter Gibson
If you’ve found the perfect rental property, the next step is submitting a rental application. Here are six tips to help make your application stand out and boost your chances of success.
1. Property Inspection
First impressions matter, so it’s a good idea to attend the property inspection on time, look presentable and introduce yourself to the real estate agent. These common courtesies can go a long way in showing that you want to secure the property and would be a good tenant. At ManageMe, we select applicants who take the rental application process seriously and demonstrate from the start that they would be responsible tenants.
2. Rental Application Form
Once you’ve decided that you are going to apply for the property, make sure you complete every section of the rental application form. If you want to improve your chances of being approved, you need to provide as many details as possible and complete the form in full. Mark any section that doesn’t apply to you as not applicable rather than leaving it blank. You should contact the property management agency if you’re unsure about any section to clarify what details are needed. At ManageMe, we look for detailed and fully completed rental applications that prove you are the most suited applicant for the property.
3. References
A good reference is someone who can provide an honest and sound character reference. For example, your employers, teachers, doctors, accountants and past property managers all make great references. Just make sure that you include their full name and contact details, including a mobile and business phone number. At ManageMe, we approve applicants with character references from credible sources who describe you as trustworthy and a good tenant.
4. Supporting Information
When it comes to supporting information, the more you provide, the better your chances of being approved! Remember, it’s the added details that help make your application stand out. Along with supplying documents that make up your 100 Points of Identification, other helpful material could be rental ledgers, reference letters and payslips. At ManageMe, we seek applicants who can prove their ability to pay rent and have a history of being a reliable tenant.
5. Follow Up
Once you’ve submitted your application, you should contact the agency via phone or email if you haven’t heard from them after 48 hours. Let them know that you’re extremely eager to secure the property and can supply more details if needed. Showing this interest and willingness to comply with the rental application process could be the difference between the agent choosing you over other applicants. At ManageMe, we consider following up as a handy way to reiterate that you’re serious about the property.
6. Bond
If your application is successful, you must pay the bond plus a minimum of two weeks’ or the first month’s rent at the sign-up meeting. Something to keep in mind is that the rental property will remain available until the Tenancy Agreement is signed and all monies paid. So, make sure you have the monies ready to go before you apply. That way, you can pay at the meeting, so you can get on with enjoying your new home as soon as possible! At ManageMe, we consider approved applicants who pay their bond and rent on time as good tenants.
If you would like to learn more about the rental application process or need help finding a rental property in the Gold Coast area and surrounds, we are here to help. Contact us today, so our team can help you find and apply for your perfect new home!